Mornings, evenings and all the hours in between

An interesting lesson we’re learning right now is that running a hospitality business and Smallholding makes for super long days. There’s no room to hate mornings, and none for early nights by the fire either.

It seems obvious, but come-what-may the animals need attention morning and evening, the cottages need attention during the day and somewhere in between our own house needs a clean!

However, there is a critical difference when it comes to spending these hours on our business compared to spending a similar amount of hours at work in our past lives. And that is that it’s OUR business. So the hours all count towards making ourselves and the animals.. and of course our guests… happy. It’s a big motivator. And definitely one we need as the nights get longer and start earlier!

Sun rising over fields in the countryside

What does it take to renovate a 17th Century Farm House


What is a rest day anyway?